Question and Answer – post 11

I had a huge post done up and saved as a draft in hotmail but when I opened it up later hotmail brought up a blank email! ARRRGGG!!!! Hotmail sucks dirty ass!! I need to jump to Gmail or something else.

So this is what you get until I rewrite that post…

Okay so a few posts ago I asked if anyone has any questions for me. Some did and now I’ll answer them.

Kio asked – Are you going to do any more sonic hentai??

Answer – Honestly, I’ve never felt comfortable doing Sonic smut because I find the bodies of them strange and then I find even more strange to fill them out to people like proportions. Plus I never really found them to be sexy really. Now that’s not to say that I think that way of all Sonic stuff. I think Toyjo does an amazing job doing Sonic pics. I just think it’s strange when I do it. Maybe I’ll give it another go some day.

cyberhorn_the_dragon asks – some more sticker designs? MAYBE? pleasse?

Answer – I did sticker designs before o_O You might have to jog my memory on that one ^_^

Gojr-Studios asked – Question, do you do art trades?

Answer – Not right now I’m afraid.  I’m too busy with other projects.  Sorry ^_^

chrismukkah asked– …does this mean you’ve FINALLY come out of your “Im gonna die” funk?

Answer – Only a little ^_^

Okay that’s it for now. If anyone has any other questions for me regarding just about anything I’ll do my best to answer it ^_^

I gotta fill up post space some how ^_^

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