Busy Summer

So here we are, the beginning of August, and I can’t believe how busy I’ve been this summer. It feels like there is always something going on, or people visiting, or a new family trip. While a busy summer is a good thing, it also means next to no time to draw. I feel like I should apologize for not delivering more new art these past few months. Any one waiting for a commission to get done has also waited far longer then usual. Even my Tinkerbell folio has had next to no work done on it during this summer. I hoped it would be ready for September, but I don’t think that will happen saddly. But don’t worry, I haven’t abandoned the project. Even though everything this summer has been great, it’ll be nice to get back to normal again.
So how has your summer been? Crazy busy or pretty laid back? Did you go anywhere fancy?

3 Responses to “Busy Summer”

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Unfortunately its been a summer of hellish heat and no job. Its gotten much cooler this last week, and we’re getting more rain. We need a lot more. Still job hunting but things are still slim. Hope things improve soon.

  • JJ Says:

    While the summer wasn’t all that busy for me most of the time, there were definitely some stretches in which I felt completely swamped. That added to some unexpected issues that I had to deal with makes this summer one of my least favorite. To be sure, there were some great highlights, but it would have been nice to have some more (or, at least fewer lowlights). Hopefully next summer will see fewer unexpected complications.

  • DMajorBoss Says:

    Things have been rather quiet, for a change. I don’t have to go many places and I’ve been able to relax more. I’ve been feeling more “bored,” however, and unable to write too much, but I’m doing my best to make something of it all.

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