Chipette Announcement

I’ve made a decision today. It’s one that I’ve been thinking about for a while now. Form hence forth, the Chipettes drawings will exist only to those that wish to see them. I’ve made a secondary group that allow any Chipette posts to be viewed by those that have requested. To see them, you first have to be registered and then you must e-mail me a request and your user name. I will then add you to the group. Unfortunatly, there is no way for you to go and check a box and make this happen. I have to do it behind the scene.
Why am I doing this? Well, as much as I like drawing Chipettes, I know they don’t jazz with other people and I don’t want them to feel like they should avoid this place. There will still be regular smutty works and no one will be cut off from seeing that. This is just for those that wish to by pass the Chipette pics I put up.
The Chipette gallery is also hidden and those that register will get that link too (and it will be included on Chipette posts).  I apologize to those that feel have felt uncomfortable by any of these pics. This is me smoothing things over and making this a place that we all still want to visit. Thank you ^_^

13 Responses to “Chipette Announcement”

  • JiveGuru Says:

    Where do we send requests to?

  • atlas12 Says:

    I tried to send an email using that contact thing at the top of the page, it didn’t work.

  • DMajorBoss Says:

    Thanks for the notice. I sent a little something your way.

  • NuttyVK Says:

    Thanks for putting up a notice about this. Sent you an e-mail.

  • Oomu Says:

    What ?! Why ?!

    What did happen ?

    You can’t start to define your work or what you show by other’s people taste or wish. You will never stop

    For example, there are thousand of things I don’t accept (one of them: any religious theme), you can’t limit yourself like that.

    Will you do a group just for me so I can see nothing I could dislike ? A just squirrel group ? It’s impossible.

    I still think Chipette should be all furry as in the movies ^_-

    • Joe Randel Says:

      That’s all true, but I’ve thought for a long time about this. While I don’t tend to draw loli art, the preferred way I draw the Chipettes might/have made others feel uncomfortable. I understand this and I don’t want them to think I can’t come here so I’ve decided to omit the Chipette work to those that wish to see it. Also, it’s sort of protection for myself. If anyone I know happens to stumble across my art, my Chipette work won’t be front and center. So really, the decision serves two purposes. Also, if I draw the Chipettes like they appear in the movies (all furry) I’ll probably not block those seeing as they’re more furry then not, unlike their 80’s counter parts which I’m told blurs the line.

  • jim_wijit Says:

    I sent out an e-mail a couple of days ago. Just saying so here as a precaution.

  • telain Says:

    Sent out a request to be included a couple weeks ago, but it was right before your vacation.

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