Where have I been?

So remember a few days ago when I made a post about camping?  Well… that’s where I was.  I set up some scheduled posts and took off to the “great” outdoors.  I’m not the best camper in the world.  Too much dirt and outdoorsy stuff for my tastes, but I go and I have a good time.  The weather this time was perfect and the park itself was very nice.  The bonus is that we went before the August long weekend happened so we missed all the crazy people looking to take advantage of the 3 day weekend.Of course I decided to take with me my new camera.  I would be seriously bummed if I had forgotten it.  So post will be a little photo journal of my trip.  Enjoy. ^_^

One thing I got to try out is some of the special features on my camera.  Usually I just change the colour in Photoshop, but this time I decided to use the in camera setting.  This was a bluff that was close to our site and a fantastic place to watch the sun set.

Taking pictures of faucets is something I like to do.  Don’t ask why, I’m not even sure.  I just think the pipe work is cool and the shapes are interesting.  With this camera I can take nice close ups of them.  This was the water tap near our site so we can have clean water for cleaning.

As I mentioned above, I’m not the best camper.  Well you can add  to that, “not the best beach person” too.  I really don’t care for the sand, the water… the whole beach experience really.  But I do love taking pictures of the beach.  This was once a sand castle that is slowly being reclaimed by the water.

I love that I can take photo’s of things so far away now.  These gulls where way the crap out in the water standing on the rocks.

Once again I’m using the in camera settings here.  I really love this old photo type look this one gives.  So I might not love the beach so much, but I do love taking photos there.  As long as I don’t get sand in my camera.

This here was one of my camp shirts.  Wife bought it for me at Christmas.  I love it, but it’s a hard shirt to find an appropriate place to wear it so I was shocked to see that she packed it.  She then said “if you can’t wear your beaver shirt camping, where can you wear it”.  Can’t argue with that.  Which is your favorite beaver style?  I prefer the shaved one. ^_^

This is one of those sunsets from the bluff I was talking about.  I don’t think I’ve taken one so beautiful.

This one was taken on a different night.  I almost missed it, but was able to snap one just before it disappeared.

Believe it or not, this is the moon.  It was so damn bright that it cast shadows on the ground.  You could wander around with out a flash light easily.  I was amazed.

The local camp stores usually have interesting things to buy.  That fishing book seemed interesting and peeked my interest, but not enough to buy it.  I never would have imagined there would be enough wired fishing facts to fill a book.

These are left over fireworks from Canada Day.  I wish the store good luck trying to sell these out of season.  How long will this things keep?

Now, I’m not opposed to putting sexy images on anything, but I do think it’s funny that they’ll use sex appeal to entice guys to buy the “Full House”, just so they can blow it up.  Oh, and that hand drawn one next to it was all kinds of fugly.

No fireworks for me.  I did get a black cherry waffle cone.  Mmmm… it was all kinds of tasty.  So that’s basically it for my camping trip.  I did bring a sketch book with the intentions of drawing, but that never really happened.  Maybe next time.  If anyone else goes camping this summer, I hope that you have a great time too. ^_^

2 Responses to “Where have I been?”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Camping can be really fun, depending on where you go. Glad you had a good time though, your pictures are really cool!
    So I was looking at your fireworks photos and in the first one is a box that I think says ‘PARN’. Totally read that as ‘PORN’. Lol

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I’d like to know what weird laws they have in Ontario.

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