License to Drive

Do you have your drivers license?  If so, when did you get it?  If not… why not?  I tried for mine back when I was 16… but failed.  I didn’t try again until I was about 22.  My “why not” was, I was just lazy.  My girlfriend (soon to be wife) had hers so it was all good.  I finally decided to get it because I found that just about everywhere used the drivers license as a major form of ID and it sucked when I had to pass on things because I had none.  That and my girlfriend got tired of diving my ass around.

I’m surprised how many people I know in their 30’s that don’t have a license, that or they got one and then let it run out.  I even know some people that hate driving and have avoided getting it.  I guess that it’s one way to get out of taxiing people around. ^_^

8 Responses to “License to Drive”

  • Mike Says:

    i got mine as soon as i could, but i know people who still dont have theirs. lazy bum.

  • JiveGuru Says:

    Hmmm, I got mine shortly after high school. I waited until I was out of school to try for it.

    I never really needed a car until then because I lived a block away from my school and most of my friends houses were within easy walking distance.

    Then I got a job and well, had to stop relying on my folks to drop me off all the time.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I’ve had one since my twenties, but I don’t currently have my own car. I share a car with my brother, but I walk more than I drive.

  • Riddle78 Says:

    Twenty years old. Still have my G1. I’ll ponder getting a car,and my G2,when I finish up at Humber.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    I got mine on my junior year of high school. I lived some distance from my school, and I was tired of waiting for the bus. So I got my license as soon as I could and was driving to school like a big kid! lol

    I pose a question to you: When you got your license, what was your first vehicle? I had a 1988 Oldsmobile Delta 88. God that thing was indestructible! I had some of my best and fondest memories in that car….

  • JJ Says:

    I think I was 17 when I got my license, but it might have been late 16. I waited a bit to get mine, since I had a bike and the bus was reliable enough. The reason I decided to get mine was because my mom took a job with odd hours and I had a strange school schedule (needed to be at more than one school throughout the day). Because of this, it made more sense for me to take the car and drop her off at work. Not sure it was the smartest parenting move, since it facilitated some delinquent behavior.

    I am wondering though, is it difficult to get a license in Canada? It is pretty easy here, but I know that it is more difficult (and much more expensive) in some other countries.

    • JJ Says:

      P.S. the Coreys brings me back…. Havn’t thought of them in years….. Reminds me of going to the video store and renting ‘Life Force.’ Was that, or the new horror/slasher… Life Force always won out. Th

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    I’d briefly gotten a motorbike learners in order to ride a scooter at one point, but doubt that I’d ever bother with a car license. The cost of a car, license, registration, fuel, maintenance and so forth just doesn’t sound worth it. I’ll take my own two feet and public transport any day, and besides – it’s much easier to read on the bus or train than whilst driving.

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