Posts from the Past

A neat feature I have behind the scenes here is the ability to see which posts are getting the most attention.  Of course it’s usually the most current ones but more often then not, old ones pop up too.  I get a big kick out of it because to me, it means my older posts are still interesting, to a few people at least.  Just over the past few days some people where checking out the Pose Space post I put up, my Violet from Pleasure Bon Bon and MiffyMorgan picture post, the Mama Hater Peta game post and my Sola to Robo post.  Oh, and my review on Pachinko Sexy Reaction.

From time to time even I go back and check out the older posts.  I usually just go and pick one out at random from a few years back or so.  I enjoy seeing what I wrote about and if I still agree with what I put up or what people might have said.  If you run a blog or tumblr or something, do you ever go back and check out old posts?  Or maybe even old posts from your favorite site?

3 Responses to “Posts from the Past”

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I like reading stuff from, a nerd news website full of all that is good and geeky. I enjoy the articles where people can vent their rage about things that drive them crazy (bad games, terrible movies, awful fan fiction, etc.).

  • JJ Says:

    I do not have a blog, in fact I don’t use social media of pretty much any kind (it’s all email for me. My friend find it mildly infuriating.). So, I lack any old posts to have as a favorite of mine. However, I do occasionally find old papers that I wrote, and am usually horrified by them (sometimes I don’t even remember writing them). Though, sometimes I do find a phrase or a passage that I wrote funny or worth rehashing, but it is kinda rare.

    I think one of my favorite posts that you have done over the years was the one in which you posed some modeling figures as zombies. Can’t quite recall exactly what it was, but I think you had just got some new figures to pose as surrogate models. I was really impressed by the was you were able to give figures with minimal features a quite lifelike (undeathlike?) feel to them.

  • Phil Says:

    Great photo… what is that place?

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