He is the Man that Arranges the Blocks

A buddy of mine tipped me off on this clip after we where talking about which games don’t have a story behind them.  He pipped up “even Tetris has one”.  I don’t know how accurate this is to actual Russian history, but is sure is catchy.  Now I wish I still had my GameBoy Tetris.  I’ll have to go buy one.  It is, of course, the quintessential Tetris.

2 Responses to “He is the Man that Arranges the Blocks”

  • Zafo Says:

    Oh yeah, this was an intermission for some time on my game streaming channel.
    And its quite acurate to. To bad it dosent show how russian goverment screwed other countries besides their own people.

  • Blammo! Says:

    The average Soviet Union citizen spent approximately 2 hours a day waiting in line, a total 5 years of the said citizens lifetime.

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