Desk Decorations

So last night I had a post all done up and ready to go and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get it to post.  Then, for what ever reason, WordPress didn’t save a draft like it usually does.  So much for getting a post every day for a year.  Actually I think I missed that goal a few weeks ago.  Oh well, today you get photos of my desk decorations.  These are some of the books I have handy at my desk.

Of course I’m going to have game related toys and such at my desk.  These are all toys from candy believe it or not.  Well, not Fry or Dracula.

This Pac Man windup toy is about 30 years old.  I’ve had it since I was really little.

Of course I have to have my Summertime Peaches at work too.  It’s hard to answer where I got her though when people ask.

A buddy of mine picked this postcard up for me at E3 last year.  He said it looked like something I would like.  He was so right.  What kind of desk buddies do you have?

Who needs to keep their door locked to keep out nosy squirrels?

14 Responses to “Desk Decorations”

  • Hp Says:

    Haha! The animators survival kit! Ive have had 2 flash classes and 1 3d class were we used this book! Also thank god for Hogarth!

    • Joe Randel Says:

      I actually never bought that book when I was in school. The thing cost $80 bucks and I would rather eat then shell out that much on a book (back in college). I ended up getting this off someone that abandoned it at work after they left. Woo! Free book! ^_^

  • Hp Says:

    Ive gotta get me some desk buddies ….. well i guess i have a little sister figurine and ho-oh figurine but those are my console buddies.

  • Gaberdude Says:

    Pretty much the only buddy I have on my desk is my Pez dispenser. Who needs more than that?

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    Absolutely love the animator’s survival kit – not just the breakdown of how it all works, but why as well.

    Lessee, my current desk/shelf setup currently has…

    WoW/DIII collector’s boxes, full-size FFVIII wooden replica gunsword, FFVIII strategy guide, 6 1/2″ Squall action figure, 6 1/2″ Rinoa action figure, 2″ Squall figurine, 2″ Rinoa figurine (can you tell I like FFVIII yet?), DIII CE Diablo Skull sculpture with USB soulstone, 1/24 scale Delorean from Back to the Future II, and finally mad scientist/programmer lego minifigs.

  • Zafo Says:

    On my desk i have 3 things(besides monitors).
    Pipboy bubllehead,
    Clalacal Philias noir maid figure
    wich is VERY pleasing to the eye
    and Thomson WiFi router 🙂

  • John M Hanna Says:

    My desk is kinda sparse. But I do have a statue of the Big Bad Wolf from the Tex Avery ‘Red Hot Riding Hood’cartoons. He’s dressed in a tux, talking on a phone and giving a great big grin.

  • Mike Says:

    the only desk buddies i have are random pieces of crap that i havent taken off my desk. not that i use my desk very often… i usually sit on my bed, but i did draw at my desk last night. weird that you should bring this up the day after. anyway, i do have a small medieval guy holding a mace. my desk is to small for desk buddies 🙁

    • Mike Says:

      oh hey, irony. my girlfriend just got me a model of the Space Shuttle Discovery. it’s currently hanging above my desk lol.

  • Jive Guru Says:

    Currently I have the D-Arts Mega Man X & Zero (2nd version) set up on top of my computer desk and a 1/15 scale Delorean Time Machine from Back to the Future Part II (Specifically the version with Mr. Fusion on top!) sitting on top of my Computer tower.

    I’m awaiting on the new TNMT classics Turtles figures to arrive to join X and Zero on top 🙂

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Oh man, I so want a Back to the Future Delorean. That would be sweet! I can’t believe you’re the second person to say that you have one in this post. o_O

      • Jive Guru Says:

        It is sweet! it has 3 modes of differnet lights and sounds, and specifically with my version (the one from Part II) you can flip the wheels down and put it in Hover Mode, and it comes with Mr. Fusion on the back.

        • Joe Randel Says:

          That sounds like the coolest thing! I LOVE Back to the Future and I now think I need ones of these models.

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