Ask me a question… I’ll tell you an answer

Wow, lots of people had questions for me this time.  I think the last time I did something like this I got very few.  I’ll see how many I can answer in this post before I fall asleep.

Q:  …you were saying something about a Tinkerbell gallery type thing, whats the news on that? how far are you? are we close to seeing it yet?

Q:  How is that set with Tinkerbell and other fairy’s set coming along?:)

A:  The Tinkerbell portfolio is still in the works… it’s just going extremely slow right now.  With the renovations going on at my house my mother living in the city now and just summer time in general, I find it hard to get the time I want to draw it.  What’s great is that I haven’t lost interest in it.  Not in a long shot.  I still very much want to get this done because I think it’s turning out fantastic!  I will give up a little more info on it though.  I will have two parts to it each 10 pages.  First is Tink in a group situation with other male fairies from the movies and the second will be her with one of her lady fairy friends.  I’ve already picked out who it will be but I’ll keep that a secret for later.  I guess I could put up a tease image for now to keep peoples interest seeing as how I’m not sure when it’ll be done.

Q: Who is your absolute all time favorite female cartoon character?

Q:  What is your favorite character ?

A: Hmmm… that’s a tough one.  I’m not sure I can pick an all time favorite.  I go through phases as I’m sure most of us do.  I used to have a big thing for Babs Bunny and Gadget way back in the day.  I’m big on Tinkerbell and friends right now with some Chipettes mixed in there too.  Sorry, I don’t think I can pick just one.  There are way too many great ones. ^_^

Q:  Just wondering why you draw what you do.  Why did you start? How long have you done it? Do you still remember your first try?

A:  I draw what I draw because it’s fun.  Other then making games, it’s the most fun I have when I sit down to draw.  As for why I started, that really depends.  It’s sort of a two part answer.  I originally started when I was about 13.  I’ve always been interested in nudes ever since I can remember, which gradually turned in to a fascination with sex as I hit puberty.  But not being of age to buy porn, I decided to draw it for myself.  Seriously, the day I decided to draw sex was the day this all began.  I started with Betty and Veronica to learn proportions since I had no figure drawing books at the time and then branched off too Saturday morning cartoons like Tiny Toons and Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers.  The second part is when I started to post on line.  I remember being in college (2000) and seeing some of the naughty cartoon works out there and though “Hey!  I can do that too!”  The rest, so they say… is history.

Q: If you could reboot any cartoon series, which one and why?

A: I think they’ve rebooted most of them at this point.  Ummm…  I think if I had to pick one I’d say… Sailor Moon.  Sailor Moon pretty much kicked off the who anime craze from what I recall back in high school and she was my first anime crush too.  Watching the show now would probably make a lot of people cringe so I’d like a fresh 2012 reboot of Sailor Moon and see what comes of that.

Q:  Is there any subject matter or character that you’d like to draw, but refrain from doing so because of what people might think or for some other reason? If so, what/who is it?

A:  There are a bunch in this one.  I find Rapunzel from Tangled to be super cute in design, but I love the movie so much (seriously… probably one of my top 5 movies) that I can’t bring myself to draw her.  I refuse to draw her out of total respect for the film.  To be honest, the Chipettes also fall in here too.  I love to draw them like they where in the show.  The way we would have had a crush on them, but I sometimes feel like I’ll be judged for that.  I doodle them but never finish the ideas.  I’m currently sitting on the Elenore version of Jeanette on a pillow because I just don’t want flak or controversy on the characters.  I also have a kink for seeing girls pee, but I’ve never drawn that particular fetish.  Not even for myself.

Q:  Has anyone that you know in real life ever found out about your hobby and, if so, what was their reaction?

A:  Some people do know, but not many.  I make sure that if I tell people that they’re going to be okay.  I’ve never had an issue with those few that know.  Right now I think it’s three people total.  Two has seen my work and like it, the other has not seen it, but is fine with it all the same.

Q:  Who is your favorite unoriginal character to draw?

A:  Unoriginal character?  Do you mean copyrighted character?  If so then it depends on the mood.  Right now Tinkerbell is top tier for me.

Q:  Who is your favorite character (classic or artist original) to view in others’ naughty artwork?

A:  I love Jive Guru’s Scarlett the squirrel.  She’s such a cute character and I love how he still plays with her design and hair style all the time.  It makes her feel like much more then just a character he draws all the time, which is fantastic to me.

Q:  Do you ever find your own artwork, uh… exciting?

A:  If I don’t find it exciting, then I have a hard time posting it up.  I have to see it as sexy first, before anyone else does or I won’t be happy with it.

Q:  How did you initially tell your wife of your hobby?

A:  My wife discovered some of my cartoon smut one day back in college.  I was embarrassed about it, but she was very understanding and never once mocked me for it.  She was also fine with me drawing my own to post up.  Now she fully supports me and my hobby!  What a wife! ^_^

Q:  Were you nervous to first share your work on the internet?

A:  I was nervous, but excited too.  I was nervous that I would be mocked or told I wasn’t any good.  TDK was the big toon smut provider at time so he set the bar high.  It all went well and the feed back helped me get better.  This was the first one I ever posted.

Apparently, massive toon cum shots have been my “thing” since the beginning. ^_^

Q:  Has drawing naughty art influenced or improved your non-naughty artwork?

A:  It totally has.  Since this was what I wanted to draw in my spare time I wanted to make sure I was doing, not just a good job, a fantastic job.  So I learned how to paint better so I can make better porn, which in turn allowed me to do better art for my job.  I was getting better on both fronts thanks to my passion for drawing porn.  In all honesty, if I wasn’t drawing porn and just doing regular drawing at home, I’m sure I would have gotten just as good.  I just have a passion for painting and drawing so regardless of what I was doing, I was going to get better.  But for now… we can attribute that to porn. ^_^

Q:  Are you happy in life ? are you doing what is really important to you ?

A:  Yes, I am totally happy in my life.  And being a supporting husband and father is the most important thing I can be and I do that to the best of my abilities.

Q:  How did you settle between drawing Tinkerbell in crazy erotic situations (I think of the impressive bukkake one) and the progressive and pro-active character she is in disney products ? (the newer cartoons)

A:  The Tink they market in the current cartoons is much different from the older one.  She’s a go getter and problem solver and is always there to help her friends or anyone else for that matter.  I really like this attitude because I think that it plays well with a sexual relationship she could have with those same characters.  It’s all about having fun and I like the idea of sex being fun, playful, trusting and not scary.  The environment Disney has created for these characters is one I really like, plus they are all so cute. ^_^

Q: Pinkie pie or Twilight ?  Sally Acorn or Amy Rose ?

A:  Pinkie.  Amy.

Q:  Did you always draw ?

A:  Yup, ever since I was able to hold a pencil as I’ve been told.

Q:  Can I commission you for a tutorial ?

A:  Not anytime soon I’m afraid.  But you can ask more questions on it if you’d like.

Q:  Do you authorize the use of the random squirrel girl’s design ?

A:  What, so like she can be used by other artists for their own needs?  Probably not.  I’d like to keep her tied to me and the Jab Archives.

Q:  What’s your take on the US internet security crisis? PIPA, SOPA, and CISPA may be US issues, but they have global implications.

A:  To be honest, I don’t really think it’s an issue.  From what I’ve gathered, it’s a bunch of hot air that senators use to try and get vote with out really thinking of what it all means.  It’s the internet and it’s a hard to think to keep watch on all the time.  I know people have been calling fowl on the US government on these topics and it’s true that they seem messed up.  But I don’t honestly think that they can enforce them effectively.  I’m not saying to walk away from people stealing copyrighted IP, but I don’t think we really know how to police this yet.

Q:  What is your opinion on loli and the current laws surrounding it?

A:  This can be a sensitive topic.  I’ve drawn loli type pics in the past.  I guess my Chipette pics fall in to that category.  I know I personally believe that loli pics hurt no one and putting up laws against it step on the  creative rights that artists have.  You don’t have to like them, you don’t have to look at them.  But I think you have to admit that they hurt no one.  Laws are up against CP because people do get hurt in those pics and the ones involved with them SHOULD go to jail.  But if I draw a picture of a loli, no one needs protecting because it’s not real.  I think it’s ridiculous to scream about how we need to protect the virtual victims.

Same with any piece of violent media out there.  It’s not real.  You can watch, in prime time, extremely violent dramas where lots of people are murdered.  But no one goes to jail for that even though murder is a crime.  I can play violent video games where I’m killing innocent people and I won’t go to jail.  I can draw a picture of a man smashing someones skull in with a hammer and I won’t go to jail.  Some might argue that it could be seen as a gateway to searching out worse things on the internet.  But smoking and alcohol can be seen as gateways to drugs and alcoholism and you can buy them in a corner store.

I’m not saying I fully support loli pics, but I’m not against them ether (remember… Chipettes).  I’ve seen some that are pretty disturbing, but I don’t think those people need to sit in a cell for what they’ve drawn.  There are far worse things that people need to go to jail for, but I’m sure others will argue against me though.

I think I covered everything here.  I hope I was able to answer everything as well as one would hope.  It was lots of fun to answer all these questions.  If more pop up, then I’ll answer those ones in a new post.  Later. ^_^

11 Responses to “Ask me a question… I’ll tell you an answer”

  • infernalperson Says:

    I think they actually are rebooting Sailor Moon in 2013, so you’re in luck!

  • JJ Says:

    Thenk you for answring all of my questions. Those and the other answered/question combos really have been Interesting. However I have a few Follow-ups:
    -did you continue the cumshot theme because of popularity or desire? ( I hope the latter)
    -how did you determine who was acceptible to tell about your hobby ?
    -my wife knows of my appreciation of your work, but doesn’t find it entertaining (nor is she put off by it) Does your wife merely support you, or encourage you? (if the latter, did it take time?)

    I’d like to write more, but am short on time.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      – I’ve always had a thing for facials and cum shots so I draw them because I like them.
      – That’s a tough one. I just have to know the person and their personality for a while before I let anything slip.
      – She’s always encouraged me and is my toughest critic on what looks proper. She knows I want to put out great art so she lets me know if I’m slipping.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Thanks for answering my question Joe. I’d personally like to see a reboot of ‘Darkwing Duck’ myself. (It was my favorite Disney Afternoon show.)

  • Jive Guru Says:

    Scarlet’s your fave? That’s so cool you don’t even know XD.

    I haven’t drawn her in awhile any suggestions? LOL

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Scarlet is totally a favorite. How can she not be? ^_^ Honestly, Scarlet is always super cute and what ever you do with her is always great in my books.

  • RedRedRed Says:

    Just so you know, I too think seeing a girl pee is hot and wouldn’t be against you trying it out sometime!

  • BittyKity Says:

    Not a question, but firstly, OMG Yay you like Sailor Moon =^-^= Second:
    Just in case you weren’t in the loop.
    OK, now a question….. Would you do some SM fanarts at some point? I’m not requesting it, just wondering.

    Thanks, BittyKitty

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Maybe, I’ve never drawn her before. I don’t do anime that well, but I might have to try. ^_^ Usagi is my favorite.

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