Who are you?

On average I get about 750 views to this blog each day and it makes me wonder about the people that pass by here.  How many of you are average views and how many are wandering by for the first time?  How many are shocked and run screaming from here once they see what I draw and how many find exactly what they’re looking for and maybe relived to find that there is someone that is like who they are?  How many of you are famous people that secretly is a part of my fan base?  How many are people that I already know in the real life, unaware that maybe you work with me or sit next to me on the bus?  How many of you are women vs men (I’m guessing not many)?  How many of you are under 18 (shame on you)? How many of you aspire to draw because of what I draw or how many of you are artists that I admire already?  So many wonders on who you all are, but regardless I do thank you, whom ever you may be, for stopping by my little part of the internet.

How many want me to shut up and draw something. ^_^

19 Responses to “Who are you?”

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I’ve been a regular viewer of yours for many years now, ever since I discovered jabarchives.com. You’re one of the better furry toon artists I’ve seen on the net. I like your style and attention to detail. I’m not shocked by your material (it takes quite a lot to shock me these days.) I find them amusing and sexy. I also like some of the questions you ask on your blog. It allows me to frank and open about things.
    Now shut up and draw something.

  • Kitty Says:

    Followed you here from FA….erm awhile ago now? Hell I stopped checking FA for awhile… x.x And shocker, I’m a girl!

  • TheGreatBadGuy Says:

    I just happened to stumble upon this site not too long ago. (I’m not fully sure as to how I found it, but I’ve been visiting it regularly for a while!)
    I draw as well, though I first started drawing about four years back and I’m still learning quite a bit! (I have a gallery on FA, however I haven’t posted much on it, lately).
    I very much appreciate your drawings in this blog! They provide inspiration for myself, as well as many other artists.
    I don’t usually comment here… but I thought I’d give it a shot for once.

  • Dinnsdale Says:

    I found your blog around the christmas your drew the fawn Christmas stuck pick. I have been frequenting the site ever since. Your one of the few furry artists who are good. I love a lot of your pics and am always hoping you post more.

  • Blammo! Says:

    Just the average visitor who found this awesome site two months ago and now subscribe. I don’t draw but I do build and paint models; scale tanks, scale figures, and the occasional plane. The art you draw is perhaps my favorite amongst the jab archives. We’d like you to draw something but you don’t nessecerally need to shut up, you’ve got a lot of interesting stories that youve told us.

  • JJ Says:

    I have a similar line of thought about the people with whom I work. Though, it sorta runs in the opposite direction from your questions. You know some ‘dirty’ little secret about your viewers and wonder who they are, I know (to some degree) the people that I work with and wonder what their secrets are.

    Given the high turnover and number of people that I work with, I’m sure there are some juicy stories hidden in their histories (it is statistically very highly likely). I tend to be very non-judgemental and would relish to hear most of their stories (as long as it isn’t something like ‘I murdered/tortured/raped someone/something’), but it isn’t exactly the kind subject that can be broached given the nature of my relationship with them.

  • TheRiddled Says:

    I’m sorry to say that I stumbled upon your blog by complete accident. I was searching for the home of Poland’s work a few years,having seen a lot of that across the internet,and it brought me to the Jab Archives. I browesed the site in full,and found your blog on the artists list,and was pleasantly surprised by the artwork contained within,but also the personality contained within the blogs (I think the current blog entry at the time involved a dream with planes),so I chose to stay,solely for the blogs,actually. The art’s nice and all,but has no reason (or cause) to exist without a person to make it,no?

  • Mike Says:

    well, i very much appreciate your art, however i am not famous, good at drawing (though i’m practicing and hope to do a comic someday), nor do i know you, and no i’m over 18 (barely). but your art rocks, so shut up and draw more =P

  • Humbird0 Says:

    I’m over 18… by a pretty good margin, though a little younger than you.
    I’m not famous as far as I know. And I don’t live in Canada.
    I’m just a guy whose been following your art for quite awhile.
    I probably discovered your stuff on FurAffinity.
    I like how you often update with blogs that ask questions. They tend to be interesting to read since those blogs and their responses reveal interesting tidbits about you and the other people reading them.
    I myself don’t aspire to drawing most of the time, since I already have another skill that I’m pretty good at: Programming.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Well let’s see, I have been a follower for a loooong time. No, I’m not famous. I can’t draw to save my life, though I really wish I could. I don’t think I have ever been to Canada, so I doubt we have even met. I’m a bit older than 18, yet younger than you. Finally, I really like your art but that doesn’t mean I want you to shut up! 🙂

  • ExTyger Says:

    Back when I first turned 18, I got dial-up and (being a young man)of course the first thing I did was hunt for porn. Somehow I ran into some of Jodi [j3t] Tong’s furry art and was instantly hooked! Eventually I found you, here at TJA and loved your work! Especially Roller Bunny and later Random.
    As for who I am: I’m a full time college student [late starter] majoring in Math, but was originally an art student. I don’t post stuff online, mostly because my work is temporary expressive stuff and incomplete writings. Aside from being known in my home town for being something of a spitfire, I’m a total nobody! But most of the time that’s just fine by me.

  • Oomu Says:

    I was never shocked by your drawing. They have good taste.
    Neither I was relieved. I found one day your work and thought you have good abilities, and it was really nice drawings, very in character with beautiful colors. The cute porn was an additional joy upon the quality.

    I’m not famous and I’m more than 18

    “How many of you aspire to draw because of what I draw or how many of you are artists that I admire already”

    After seeing your improvement years after years (and others artists on the web, of course), I thought the important thing was to have fun in drawing and at last to try and learn. I wanted to do that for years but never thought it was possible. I saw more and more tutorial from people in blogs and deviant art and so I try to learn.

    I began taking lessons in drawing and spending some time on it because of you and others : I would love to draw expressive and fun characters. I was impressed by the “random squirrel girl”. I have nothing worth to show for now.

  • JV Says:

    I’m a legend in my own mind and I have delusions of adequacy. I don’t draw except for devil horns and mustaches. I think your art in awesome. As far as the rest you don’t need to shut up. You have some cool musings. But please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease draw something!

  • Hp Says:

    I’m a college student for game design and animation. I practice hentai in hoping to become more comfortable with drawing and to make things appealing. I found your blog i think my first year of college and loved your art i check your blog every week to see whats up and cool things that your excited about coming out.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      You’re a college student for animation? That’s what I was! You’re training to be a game designer? I totally work in the game industry! ^_^ So are you looking to make it in to a big studio and work on triple A titles or a smaller iPhone type studio?

      • Hp Says:

        For right now i’m hoping for anything right now! Im nearing the end and I’m at the point where I’m trying to fill up my portfolio a little more.

  • jim-wijit Says:

    Let’s see. I’ve been a fan of yours for quite a few years now actually. I’m pretty sure I first saw your stuff somewhere in the early 2000s. I generally check your blog once a week or so.

    Right now I’m a full time student working to get my bachelors degree in media arts and animation.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Arts and Animation? Nice! I studied classical animation back in the day so it’s always nice to see others taking it up as well. Have you yet to venture in to the naughty arts as I did so long ago? ^_^

      • jim-wijit Says:

        Well, I certainly try now and then. Someone even posted some of my amateurish works at the rule 34 site once a few years ago. Been pretty busy with college so I haven’t been very prolific as of late.

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