Happy 4th of July

Happy Independence Day my American readers!  So what sort of festivities did you take in today?  To be honest I’m not all up on my American history or traditions regarding this day.  Didn’t Will Smith blew up some aliens on this day or some such thing?  Oh, and doesn’t George Washington come and leave fireworks under the American flags of good little boys and girls?  Am I right?  Anyway, I hope you had a great day today and spent it eating your fourth of July turkey with family and friends.  I spent the day cleaning up the house a bit and then went to see Brave with the family.  Maybe not the best Pixar flick, but still a great movie.  But then I’m a sucker for red heads. ^_^

4 Responses to “Happy 4th of July”

  • JV Says:

    It was great watching the fireworks, ahhh mortars. No turkey not even turkey dogs. Mmmm burgers. And we have long since rebuilt the white house after the aliens blew it up, oh wait that was the movie id4. Well we did rebuild it from when the brits burnt it. Happy 4th, and thanks for all years of great art. Here’s to many more.

  • Blammo! Says:

    I went up on the silo my dad works on the see fireworks from as far as the neighboring state. Not only was it spectactular, but I got to spend quality time with him. Turkey isn’t really a huge custom though, we had burgers off the grill. I’d also like to thank you for all the years of amazing art.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    It was too damned hot and dry where I was and many cities had cancelled fireworks due to fears of starting brush fires. My family got together and had a party indoors. We had pulled pork and hot wings. Watched ‘Tombstone’ with Kurt Russell on DVD.

    By the way Joe, my website caysdaze.com is almost done getting updated. It will have a new look and a buttload of my cartoons that have been backlogged for over 3 years. I’ll let you know when its ready.

  • Mike Says:

    had my annual fourth of july pool party. it was good. one of my best friends couldnt make it, and another of my friends who had moved a long time ago wasnt able to make it even though he just moved back a few days ago. he’s a furry too, but i dont think he watches your blog.

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