Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day everyone!  I didn’t get time to make this post earlier in the day so you get to read it now instead, which is probably July 2nd.  But really it should have been up July 1st.  Oh well, I tried.  Anyway, this Sunday was Canada Day and it ended up being a pretty awesome day.  I got some house chores done in the morning and spent the afternoon taking in some fun family things set up close to us.  Had a great steak dinner thanks to Wife and finished it off with a nice fireworks display at a near by park.

I gotta say that I feel pretty special being born in Canada.  I know there are pretty awesome places around the world, but Canada has this great friendly feeling to it.  I feel that there are fabulous opportunities here, we have a health care system that takes care of our population, there is some fantastic wilderness to the north of just about everyone and our political system isn’t all crazy.  We’re not perfect, but we’re pretty damn awesome I think.

Canadian fact:  It’s legal for women to go topless.  Not that any of them do.

8 Responses to “Happy Canada Day!”

  • Mike Says:

    i never realized how close to the fourth of july Canada Day is. lol. happy Canada Day Canadians!

  • Jive Guru Says:

    I can see the town fireworks from my front porch! It’s great! 😛

    And yes, women can go topless indeed! Saw a few when it was first announced/a big deal a few years back, but sightings dried up almost instantly. Yep. Ah well.

  • Password42 Says:

    That show “Naked News” takes advantage of the legality of female toplessness, no?

  • JJ Says:

    The more I hear about Canada and your laws, the more jealous I get of y’all. Toplessness is legal for woman?! (That is cool for several reasons. Not just for the possibility of seeing tits in public.) Thank you Canada, for having reasonable people (we sure could use some more).

    Also, (guess this is becoming a yearly tradition for me), thank you (Canada) for…
    -The Kids in the Hall
    -Ice Hockey
    -My advisor and one of my other committee members
    -A former (very influential) professor
    -Providing a place for 18 year old Michiganders to drink legally
    -Stratford’s Shakespeare Festival
    -Several other things that I am sure I’m forgetting (damn memory)
    -Public tits (semi-jocularly)

    **I’d include your art on the list, but that seems a bit gratuitous given the forum.**

    • Chakat Firepaw Says:

      “Providing a place for 18 year old Michiganders to drink legally”

      Only if they’ve been 18 for at least a year, (drinking age is 19).

      • JJ Says:

        Has that changed in the last 17 years? Pretty sure it was 18 back in the day, but maybe it was 19 and I’m misremembering. Either way, there were plenty of Michiganian teens crossing the border to get trashed.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    It must be nice to have the option to go topless. Down here in Missouri we’re experiencing a heat wave. I wish we could just go full starkers.

  • Blammo! Says:

    I’m taking my family to Niagra Falls next year, so I’ll get to check out how awesome Canada is. Public tits for all, and to all a good night!

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