A Long Way Gone

Downstairs renovations are close to done, thank goodness.  So close in fact that Wife and I where able to fill up our new downstairs book shelves with our collection of reading material.  Even my Bruce Timm book found a home on it.  It was neat thought to go through all our books again and see which ones we’ve forgotten and which ones we wish to read again.  One of those books is called A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah.  It’s about his life as a child soldier in Africa and how he made it out.  I originally saw an interview with him on The Daily Show and was so moved by his story that I had to buy his book.  It’s fascinating and horrifying at the same time.  You read it and think that this is a grown man in this situation and then stop and remember that he’s actually only twelve.

I can’t recommend this book enough.  It’s seriously fantastic and I couldn’t put it down.  I really must read it again.  What books do you own that you should read again?


4 Responses to “A Long Way Gone”

  • Mike Says:

    that was definitely a good book. i had to read it this year for college. it was one of the only books that we read that i really enjoyed. as for books i need to reread, probably Rangers Apprentice, even though i’ve read them more often than even my harry potter books

  • John M Hanna Says:

    ‘Life Of Pi’ by Yann Martel. An Indian boy survives a shipwreck at sea and his only companion on the lifeboat is a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.

    ‘Good Omens’ by Neil Gaiman an Terry Pratchett. An angel and a demon join forces to save the human race from armageddon.

    ‘The Coachman Rat’ by David Henry Wilson. A retelling of the Cinderella story from the point of view of the rat who is turned into a coach driver. Very dark. Not for kids.

  • JJ Says:

    Hate to sound trite (especially in light of the book you posted about), but…


    Haven’t read it the whole way through in a couple of decades and it keeps staring me in the face every time I go to the bookshelves…. I love this book, and really ought to get through it again.

    Unfortunately, I have about a shelf worth of books that I NEED to read for work, so fun-time books have to wait.

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