thanks – post 6

Okay… so taking the advice of so many people I’d like to extend a huge thanks to everyone watching my art, those that have faved it and all the comments. I just don’t possibly have the time to go and thank everyone, I’ve tried in the past and it’s just too much so I hope that no one is insulted that I’ve not responded to them.

In all honesty I never would have imagined that what I draw would gather so much attention from so many people. I feel especially honoured when people message me to say that I was the one the influenced them to draw. That’s a total shocker since and really makes me feel good. So here’s a HUGE should out to everyone out there that has followed my art since the beginning and those just finding me. Thank you. You’ve all made it more fun to draw what I draw then I ever could have imagined. You’ve all help to give ideas and support when I’ve been slumping (which has been a lot lately).

So thanks again everyone.

You’ve made it real ^_^

Sorry I have no Valentines pic.

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