Stressed Out

Not many things stress me out.  I’m pretty good with things over all.  Moving and change stresses me out like crazy.  I’ve moved so many times in my life that I hate it with a passion.  Over the next month or so, we’re having renovations done to the house.  Nothing major, just new hardwood floors through out the house and carpet in the basement, oh and a quick touch up to the downstairs bathroom.  The house will pretty much be up to date after all that and it will look fantastic.  I’m very excited.  But in order to have all this work done, we pretty much have to move everything out of the house for this to happen and I feel very over whelmed by all of this.  The process of change drives me so crazy I can barely handle it.  I like order and control and change disrupts that.  Ugh, it’ll be a week or two probably until everything is done and I’m not looking forward to it.  I’m am looking forward to the other side of all of this when the house looks great, but not the moving and changing parts.

What things stress you out?

4 Responses to “Stressed Out”

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    Job hunting. As in, the actual act of browsing job ads, and having to wade through ads for call centres with unrealistic experience requirements, marketing companies that want you to sell stuff on the street or in malls for commission, or stores that want you to be some sort of expert at pushing sales on people and reaching sales targets. And then on the rare event that I actually manage to find something, stress out over the wording of writing up a cover letter, or the answers I need to come up with ahead of time for interviews.

  • Mike Says:

    physics, calculus, and working with my dad

  • JJ Says:

    Midterms and finals weeks tend to cause me the most stress. Though, they really shouldn’t. I’m a terrible procrastinator, so most of the stress could be avoided, if I started my work on time.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Sometimes, just talking to people is a huge stressful experience. Like if a conversation has gone on too long and I need to find a way to end it politely. Or saying something innocuously that ends up pushing another person’s berserk button. Really, talking to some people is like trying to disarm a hair trigger bomb. You don’t know what will set them off.

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