Forgotten Games

Has there ever been a game that you where so excited to play and couldn’t wait to play when you got it home, but didn’t or it took a long time before you did?

A few years ago I was very excited to get Monster Hunter Tri for Wii.  My friends told me how they play the PSP ones and loved them and they where excited to get the Wii version as well.  They talked it up pretty damn good, so good that I too was very excited to try it out.  The day came, I bought it, took it home and tried it out and thought it was pretty cool.  I was already playing another game and I didn’t want to abandon it before I finished it.  I did finish that game eventually but I never got back to Monster Hunter.  It’s not a game that I want to play with my kids so I only would play it in the evenings, something that can be hard to do.  It still sits there in my game cabinet waiting for the day that I pick it up again.  Not sure when that will be as I’m sure I’ve missed out on all the multiplayer and online aspects of game.

I have others that are waiting too, but that one is one I was super jazzed to get and I kick myself everyday for not starting it up.  Some day…

2 Responses to “Forgotten Games”

  • Jive Guru Says:

    Grand Theft Auto 4.

    I was excited as heck to pick this up when it came out, but a week before the release date my PS3 died on me and I had to wait nearly 2 months to get that all sorted out. By that time all my excitement had waned and I’ve never bothered playing it past the first few missions.

  • JJ Says:

    Ico. Never had a chance to play it back in the day. Was thrilled when the high-def Ico/SotC (SotC is one of my favorite games) came out, and ordered it immediately. Played it one night, got busy, other games came out, never got back to it.

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