The Most I Ever Ate

Tonight wife and I went out for sushi with friends.  We don’t go out a lot but when we do, we usually go out for sushi at our usual place.  What makes this place sort of interesting is that the first time we went there, I ate myself stupid.  The food there is great, and I’m very glad that it’s all you can eat other wise it would cost me a god damn fortune because of how much I eat when I’m there.  But that first time… well, I can honestly say I’ve never eaten so much at one sitting in my life.  I ate so much that the next day at lunch, I was still feeling full and ill.  It was painful to think about eating more (I even had a  super light breakfast).  I’m sure I could have fed a small village with what I put in my body.  Since then I’ve learned to better gauge how much I should eat and I leave feeling full, but not gross.

Have you ever eaten to the point where you feel ill?  What was it that you ate?

This one commission sure was tuff.  Who was it of?

6 Responses to “The Most I Ever Ate”

  • lamar dunlap Says:

    Back in high school i was known as the human vacuum . i could eat anything and everything . last year i met with some buddies from school and got dared to eat 50 wings from hooters . i decided to be arrogant and did 60 instead . thought i was going to explode . it was worth it though to see there faces.

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    I used to be like that too, stuffing myself at a buffet; but eating to excess always makes me walk away feeling worse than eating less and not worrying about getting the best possible value for my money.

    On the other hand, anywhere else you’re given a menu to order from, I always end up walking away still feeling peckish for a snack or something on top, no matter how good the food was.

  • Mike Says:

    my family goes to Chili’s a lot, and their chips are awesome, so i always eat a basket and a half of them before my food gets to me, and then i cant eat all my food, cause the chips were to good lol.

  • JJ Says:

    Yeah, usually on Thanksgiving I eat way more than I should. Almost inevitably to the point of physical discomfort. Can’t say I’m proud of it, but there is something about that spread that compels me to go back, even though I know I’ve had more than enough. Though, I’ve never felt gross because of it, just achy.

  • Gaberdude Says:

    I go to Pizza Ranch every once in a while with my family or friends. I always eat so much, I get that oh-so-good feeling of fullness, followed by immense pain as soon as I stand up. Even after that, I still get an ice-cream cup to go. Mmmmm…

  • CinosNroca Says:

    About once or twice a year when I go on vacation with my family, we stop at the same restaurant for breakfast. On their menu is a “challenge” course. My brother and I have been attempting this challenge for over 10 years now, and only about 2 years ago have we been able to finish it. It’s become more of a tradition, and thankfully only a couple times a year. Every time we attempt it, we have come away so stuffed we go back to the condo and nap till the afternoon. lol

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