Happy Victoria Day

The last Monday in May before the 25th is called Victoria Day in Canada.  It’s a holiday that we’ve set aside to celebrate Queen Victoria’s birthday and to ring in the summer season.  My Victoria Day was pretty full and busy to say the least.  I got up and finished the laundry that I started and then helped my kids with their Pokemon DS games.  Then we all piled in to the van to go and grab some veggie and flower plants for the gardens.  Several stops later we had all the plants, soil and mulch that we needed.  I’m not much of a gardener, that job falls on my wife.  I’m just the help in that department.  Once we got home we set to work putting it all in the ground.  I specifically helped my kids get the flowers they picked out in to their little flower area at the side of the house.  Oh, I also mowed the lawn too… and weeded the beds.

After all that we treated ourselves  to some soft ice cream before we headed off to see some fireworks.  We went to a different place then normal and it was pretty cool.  They seemed to go on for ever.  I think it was about 40 min worth of “Ooooos” and “Ahhhhhs”.  Getting out didn’t take too long as I was able to scoot in to an adjacent parking area and leave probably 30 min earlier then if we stayed in our current line.

Phew… it was a long day but lots of fun.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to have a shower and then go to bed.  How did you spend your Victoria Day?  What?  You didn’t have one and had to go to work?  Haha!  Suckers. ^_^

9 Responses to “Happy Victoria Day”

  • Mike Says:

    lol, i’m currently spending my boring non-holiday by watching A Goofy Movie

  • The Riddled Says:

    Meanwhile,in Ontario…

    I’m getting used to living in Toronto,so I didn’t get out much. Still unpacking,and getting things in order for my course at Humber. Within the next seven years,the quality of games will rise. COUNT on it. *stares pointedly at Activision and EA*

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Used to living in Toronto? Where did you live before? And did you know I’m only about 2 1/2 hours from Toronto. ^_^

  • Humbird0 Says:

    We usually work on 4th of July too.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    We have Memorial Day coming up in the States so we’ll be having a 3 day weekend.
    BTW. Last weekend I won passes to see ‘Yellow Submarine’ at a local theater. I think the last time I that in a theater was in the 1970s when I was 5.

  • JJ Says:

    That sounds like a really nice day, man. I always like relaxing days when I can be productive and spend time with my wife (possibly simultaneously). Hopefully we get some fireworks here pretty soon.

    I never could work out Canada’s relationship to the royal family. We always had Canadian coins around the house*, and I could never get clear on how Canada was a sovereign nation, but recognized the British royals. Sorta get it now… sorta.

    * I grew up a couple of hours from the border, so Canadian coins were pretty common. So common, in fact, that most people overlooked them being used as legal tender in local stores.

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