Allergy Season

I woke up this morning and I was all stuffed up and sneezing my brains out.  Allergy season seems to have arrived again.  Wonderful.

I have horrible allergies.  I’ve had them since I was a small child and I’ve suffered ever since.  My allergies aren’t that bad in the spring and summer.  If I can avoid the out doors as much as possible during the warm months, then I’ll generally be okay with little meds needed.  But my family likes to go camping, so you can guess where that leads me.  Even so, I’m not too bad.  It’s August and the fall months that will absolutely kill me.  Which is why I look forward to winter so much.

So this morning was like a little preview of what’s too come.  I took some drugs to keep me breathing and I was okay thank goodness.  Anyone else out there suffer with allergies?  Anyone get those allergy shots to stop you from sniffing and sneezing?  I know I should get them… but I’m a lazy bastard.

4 Responses to “Allergy Season”

  • Mike Says:

    i think i might have allergies, but they’re obviously not to bad, cause i’m not really sure. my girlfriend has them though, and she’s getting those shots. she’s gotten them for over a year now, and so far she hasnt had any problems with her allergies. so apparently they work. they make your arms swell up like they have golf balls where the shot went sometimes though. but if you’re ok with that… then they work lol.

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    Hayfever, colds, flu – I just seem to get them randomly throughout the year, and they all seem to blur together and never can work out what the right thing to take for it is. But when I do have something, I always make sure I have a couple dozen handkerchiefs handy, as I go through them so fast…

    The only definite thing I know is that I get all stuffy if I’m outside when the lawns are being mown, and that I can otherwise be completely fine and have a sneezing fit out of the blue for seemingly no reason.

  • JJ Says:

    Like glasses, I lucked out in the allergy department, since I am the only person in my biological family without them (I’d suspect my mom of adultery, but she is too pious and I look way too much like my dad). Though, I do sympathize with your plight. I apparently have an allergy to some Pacific coast plant(s?). The only time I’ve every had allergy-like symptoms was when I visited my grandmother in California. Whenever I was in her apartment, I couldn’t stop sneezing and constantly had a runny nose. It sucked to have that just for a visit, can’t imagine a seasonal attack. Good thing there is medication that can help.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I don’t think I have allergies, but sometimes I get sneezing fits. A bit of dust will get up my nose and off I go.

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