Ham Sandwich

Score this design: “ham sandwich,” to help it get printed on Threadless!

Okay, I told myself I wasn’t going spam my blog with more t-shirts, but to heck with that.  It’s my blog and I’ll spam it all I want.  It’s still my art after all.  ^_^

So anyway, I did up another shirt design for Threadless.  Same drill as before, please go and vote for it and if it does well enough, maybe the fine people over at Threadless will print it up and then we can all wear it.  I’m having lots of fun doing this to be honest.  I’m trying to do one a week, that way I’m not in competition with myself.

Thanks to everyone that votes or has voted on my designs.  One day I hope they print one.
ham sandwich - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

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