random – post 236

So I’ve posted the first commission out of the long list that I have to do.  It’s of my random squirrel girl.  She doesn’t have a name, mostly I just call her random.  ^_^  It was a great piece to do and I really loved the way it came out.  It got me thinking more about this character and how she’s grabbed the attention of some people.  Enough for others to request more of her.

I never really intended for her to be anything more then a quick big boob pic.  Although I find that even I’ve day dreamed more about other things that she does in her spare time.  Not even sexy things ether.  Just stuff, fun stuff that normal people do.  I think she’s probably the most interesting character I’ve done up in a long time.

It’s a nice feeling when a character just develops it’s self rather then semi forcing ideas.  They feel so much more complete.  I’m really enjoying my random squirrel girl. ^_^

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