arm update – post 219

So I finally went to the doctor to see about my arm as it still aches.  After being looked at I was told that it would seem that I’ve strained the muscle in my arm and that it’s nothing to be concerned about.  The worst part of it is that because I draw for a living the time it’ll take to heal properly will be much, much longer then normal as I just can’t stop my career for two to three weeks and let my arm rest.  Bummer…  I juts have to take it easy when I can.

I think I’ll try and see an osteopath and see if I can get some advice on how to keep things from getting worse.  Not that I’m expecting things to get worse but mostly how to lessen the strain on it with proper stretching and what not.

Oh well… the price you pay for getting old I guess. ^_^

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