commissions – post 218

So in my last post I mentioned that I’ve opened my doors for commissions once again.  Times get tight sometimes and so a little extra money is needed.  How long is the commission door open?  Not sure, but I would imagine for a while.  Here’s the run down.

$30 bucks will get your idea drawn out and digitally painted. I’ll send you the rough drawing, the cleaned up version (which will be cleaned up in pencil) and a print on photo paper.  If you really want I’ll find a way to get you the PSD if you want a version of that too.

Add $10 bucks for a specific background if you want one.

Add $10 bucks per extra character.

I’ll draw pretty much anything.  Just tell me what you want and I’ll let you know if I’ll do it.


As you all know I love video games and in the past I’ve traded art for games with good results.  So if you have no money but video games you don’t want, type out a list and maybe we can strike a deal.  Or if you can find a game that I’m looking for real cheap you could make a deal for yourself.

Example.  A short list of games I’m after…

Disgaea DS
Ico (PS2)
Hotel Dusk:  Room 215 (DS)
Mega Man 9 (WiiWare)
Mega Man X3 (SNES)

If you can find one of these games at your local game shop for $15 bucks… that you just got a pic with a background and an extra character if you so choose.  Deal?

Oh I also reserve the right to post any commission work I do, but I will hold your name off the posting if you wish.

I think that’s it.  Any questions feel free to ask ^_^

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