DSi – post 217

I’m sure by now most know that Nintendo is releasing a new DS.  If you didn’t then come out of your cave and sit by the fire and I’ll tell you what’s going down.  As most have be predicting for… months now, Nintendo has got a new DS called, the DSi,  hot and ready for release in exchange for your hard earned moneys.  What’s new about it is that it’s got a larger screen (a whole 1/4 of an inch) it’s a touch lighter, no GBA slot, MP3 playback, camera (.3 megapixel) and an SD slot all for about $180.  How’s that all grab at ya?  Huh…?  HUH?!

I’m not sure about it to be honest.  I’ll miss the GBA slot since I play my GBA games still and the charge port on my GBASP is busted.  So my DS is main way to play games for two systems.  MP3 playback doesn’t float my boat at all… I really don’t care and the camera on my phone is better then what the DSi is going to have.  The SD slot is what makes my eye brows go up.  It sounds like an open door for homebrew and pirates AAAARRRR….!!!  Which is a strange move since big N cracked down on the sale of R4 carts.  It’ll be interesting to see what comes out of that decision.

Will I or won’t I.  I don’t know to be honest.  I’ll have to sit on it for a bit before I make a decision on lite or DSi.  I have the time since it’s not sechduled to come over here until sometime late 2009.  How about you?  What’s your take on it?

Artist note:  I’ll be taking commissions again.  $50 bucks will get you a rough draiwng, the cleaned up version and a print of it on photo paper.  Shoot me an email with the details and we’ll work it out.  ^_^

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