free stoof – post 214

Every have fortune smile down on you with some free stuff?  I’ve had it happne once or twice.

I remember when I was younger and living at home, my Mom and I moved to a new apt and discovered we had free cable ^_^  we had it for several years before they found out and cut it off.  But what’s crazy is that it happened a second time when my wife (girlfriend at the time) moved to Ottawa to attend school.  Score!  The cable company would even call us asking if we wanted to sing up for cable, at which point you would have to run out of the room when if the tv was on ^_^

Wal-Mart forgot to charge me for my Metal Gear Solid on GameCube.  My wife and I had bought a number of things and asked if we could pay for everything at the electronics cash.  The lady said sure and rang us though, but what she did was pass the game over the security scanner but forgot to ring it up.  Oops.  This happened a second time when I bought Harvest Moon for Game Cube as well.

How about you?  What are your free stories?

2 Responses to “free stoof – post 214”

  • VictorNiss Says:

    🙂 i returned my 360 because it kept scratching the Disks, and in the process of repacking the Xbox i forgot to pack the hard drive.
    i exchanged the Xbox twice and scored 2 extra Hard Drives without even trying to. haha

    Walmart gave me $50 credit as well for selling me 2 faulty Consoles.
    by the time Xbox #3 came around, i realized i probably shouldn’t tip it when its running! >_<
    im dumb.

  • Sovereign Says:

    one time, i walked by soda machine with 5 bucks on it, the result, 10 free Dr. Peppers

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