it burns my eyes – post 213

So last night I let my Beagle Bernard out for pee around 11:00 or so. He comes back to the door is seconds wanting to be let in. I open the door and as he walks in noticed the smell of skunk out side. No big deal really, it’s not an uncommon thing to sell at times where we are. Only once I closed the door I noticed that the smell didn’t go away and only now it smells… more pungent. I look at my dog who is now sitting on living room floor with one eye shut, the other red and puffy. Yup, you guessed it. My dog had been skunked.

I had never smelled skunk stink from ground zero before. I’ve driven along the hwy and smelled it and I’ll tell you this… it’s almost a different smell with it’s super concentrated. Far more pungent and the smell gets in your mouth and you can actually taste it. Unreal… I never would have imagined it.

Anyway, I called the after hours vet clinic as to what I should and what I should worry about. They said the spray won’t hurt him and to make sure he wasn’t attacked. He hadn’t been thank goodness. They gave me a recipe for some skunk remover (dishsoap, baking soda and some hydrogen peroxide) or I could drive down and get some skunk-off shampoo for $10. I decided to get the shampoo but my wife made me take stinky with me. Holy crap… I drove the whole way with every window down and my head hanging out the window. I must have been quite the sight.

So I get the shampoo and drive back. At home my wife tells me that the house stinks of skunk. I help her get fans going and open all the windows before going to wash Bernard who, by the way, hates baths. The shampoo makes him smell like an old lady’s perfume but at least it’s not skunky.

The morning comes and, of course, the house still stinks. So begins the long process to clean the house and everything we could to get rid of the smell. Then what did we realize… the van stinks now too. So we get busy cleaning that too. At the end of the day, we cleaned everything we could, lit every candle we had and baked all we could bake to help get rid of the smell and it still lingers a bit in the air. We’ll just have to wait for it go away at this point as their isn’t much more we can do.

What an adventure… at Bernard’s health isn’t in question.

I do wish my house would stop stinking though.

3 Responses to “it burns my eyes – post 213”

  • fire_wire91387 Says:

    I thought roadkill skunk was bad, especially if you run right over the carcass. But I have yet to be attacked my skunk spray, so I guess I have much to be thankful for.

  • Tribesman2004 Says:

    The sucks Joe! At least the dogs alright… but really, if it smelled that bad for you, I can only imagine the impossible hell he must have been in, with his more acute sense of smell!

    Bet its going to be a while before you draw Fifi again, huh? 🙂

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    Ugh! Skunk is horrible! But on the other hand I like that cartoon “Skunk Fu”. Do you like it?

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