comic newb – post 211

Yay! So this is the project I mentioned a few posts back for those that remember and read what I ramble on about. We over at The Jab Archives have to pay the bills from time to time and in an attempt to do so we’re working on a collection of comics featuring TJA’s mascot Jo. No, she’s not named after me, but I did have a good hand in her design. Anyhoo… this is the first page for my entry in it and my first real time doing a full on comic. I’ve only the first page painted (8 pages in all) but it’s shaping up tp be pretty good I think… I’m happy with it.

As I mentioned I’ve never done anything like this before other then my test page (which I still want to finish) so I’m a total newb here. Writing has never been a strong point for me but I have had this idea for about 8 years now. Hopfully in that time I’ve been able to perfect the story. It’s actually like doing story boards for animation which I really liked doing. I love setting up camera shots and playing director. I actually helped out with a few storyboards for a show called Mega Babies… oh god was that an awful cartoon.

So yeah… first page of Joe’s Jo comic. Not sure when it’ll go on sale. When it’s all done I suppose. Oh… and yes… it’s a naughty comic ^_^

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