how I draw – post 210

So I’ve posted a… not really a how to… but a “how I made it” picture of my Krystal pic. I documented the process a long time ago but I don’t think I ever posted it. Funny, looking at this pic I can see how my technique has changed and grown.

The steps are pretty much the same. I put down flat colours first. Shadows next and then highlights. But now I do all my work digitally. I rarely draw on paper anymore. Well, I usually do my doodles on paper and then scan them and clean it up in Photoshop. I also don’t use the airbrush any more and I use a lot of different shaped brushes. I also chose my colours better with shadows and highlights rather then just adding white or black to the base colour.

It feels good to see where I am compared to where I am now. I feel that over these past few years I’ve come leaps and bounds with my art and I’m really happy with it. I think that’s what I like about drawing, I’m constantly learning and absorbing more techniques. I’m getting better everyday and it’s a wonderful feeling.

I remember someone asked me what I would do it I wasn’t drawing. I said, I can’t answer that because I can’t picture myself doing anything but art. It’s who I am and I wouldn’t change that for anything. ^_^

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