It's my freak'n Birthday!

Woo! So it would seem that it’s my birthday today. 30 years old I am today. Geez how time flies… So what have I been doing lately? Well lets see. I help to judge the Gwen contest and had lots of fun picking and choosing the ones I liked. Oh but before I go on I should congratulate the winners.

Grand Prize went to Mike Caddell – Woo! Congrats! I’ll contact you in a bit on your commission

Second went to The Brave on his super style’n rail grind picture. Very nice *fav’s* ^_^

I’ve also picked a bunch of my favourites from the whole contest to be on the Gwen folio I’m working on. There where lots of great submissions, but unfortunately I don’t have time to comment on them all (which is apparent on my lack of blog updates ^_^ ). I think what I liked most about the contest was seeing Gwen in other art styles. Some tried to stay close to the model sheet where others branched off and drew her as they liked her. It was awesome and totally made me smile, so thanks again to all that entered. You guys rock!

Um let’s see… what else. Well I went and bought tablet PC. An Asus R1F to be specific and it totally rocks my world. Seriously. I’m so happy about my purchase it’s crazy. What better to have for an artist then a laptop where I can draw and paint right on the screen! Why just the other day I was painting on the commuter train ride home. I was PAINTING on the TRAIN! How awesome is that eh? EH? I also paint on my lunches too. Well, that is I should be painting on my lunches because you see I’ve also installed several hentai games (May Queen! Yeah WOO!) and have been playing them when I should be painting. But now that I have all that out of my system I’m back in the saddle baby. You know it!

Speaking of hentai games or at least sexy type games. I’ve also started looking for sexy/adult MAME games and I’ve found more then a few. I’ll play them and take screen shots and probably give a small review of them in the coming months. I kind of want to wrap this place in the things that I dig. Adult drawings and games, and nothing can be better then mixing the two. It’s the nectar of the gods I tell ya.

And really, what better time then right now. I’ve bought some GBA games recently and, unaware to myself at the time, two of these games have bath scenes in them. I’m talking of course about Riviera: The Promised Land and Yggdra Union, both by a studio called Sting. What’s really neat about the Yggdra is that the image with the chick in the water is mostly covered up in the Japanese version to get a lower rating from the ratings board. But not here in North America. Oh no. We get the full uncensored image. Not that they show anything but it’s still damn sexy to see this in a game. Oh and in the Riviera PSP port, they’ve removed the bath scene all together at the request of SONY, although the pictures can still be found on the disk.

I haven’t played Yggdra yet but I am playing Riviera and even though I’m not at the bath scene (apparently I’ll need a special item to go in to the bath when the time is right) the game is lots of fun and a depart from regular RPGs. All your items have a limited use so you have to really think about which ones to take in to battle, plus you go up in levels buy using the items. So you can’t hold out on using a good item because you won’t get stronger and the game will get crazy hard. Nice design.

The art in Riviera is really nice. It’s you and 4 other hot chicks that go on this adventure. You’ll trigger events that will cause the ladies to get the hots for you during the trip so it’s kind of like a dating/adventure game. Oh, did I mention they’re hot? There’s a earth loving fencer, a goth girl with bat wings, a red witch, and little archer girl (loli). So there’s something for everyone and they’re all really cute designs too. Even the some of the enemies are hot. Like there’s this vampire/succubus chick that wears next to nothing. Totally hot. I should draw her sometime… ^_^

Anyway, That’s pretty much it for the moment. I’ll try and fill this space with naughty game reviews and news between pictures. It’s the least I can do ^_^


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