morning wood – post 199

I hate morning wood.

I hate it mostly when I’m visiting family for a few days or when they’re visiting me.  Gotta hang out in the bed room till things calm down.  Then I get the usual “hey you slept late” or “what took you so long to get out of bed?”  It sucks.  Can’t really say I was waiting for my morning erection to go away.  I don’t know how often other guys get it but it’s like an every day thing for me.  And trying to take the morning wizz is just impossible until it’s gone.

Why am I bringing this up?

I had my brother in law and his family visit this weekend and I have waiting in the bedroom like I sometimes do when my wife sends my daughter in wake me up.  I was already up and now my 4 year old is in my bedroom talking to me about why I’m not up yet and then about random things that 4 year olds talk about.  All the time I just kept thinking…  please go away… I’ll get up in a sec and try to hide this in my jeans… just please go a away…  Eventually she did and I was able to get dressed and distract myself with unloading the dishwasher until it went away.

So embarrassing. o_o

At least I’ve never been busted with it… yet.

3 Responses to “morning wood – post 199”

  • fire_wire91387 Says:

    Could be worse. At least you don’t have ED. Guys with ED wish they could get morning wood, or just plain anytime wood for that matter.

  • Cinos Nroca Says:

    Yeah, its a frequent occurence for me. When I used to live with my parents, I have been caught before. They usually didn’t say anything, but it was the most awkward thing in the world.

  • Tribesman2004 Says:

    I find the best way to handle it is to take a nice morning pee. That’s why you get it in the first place (Usually), its your bodies fail safe against bed wetting. Good luck though…things can get messy >.<

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