getting colder – post 196

Ahhhh… pretty much though September and the air is getting cooler and I love it.  Summer is nice, but I’m more of a winter person.  I like the cold.  I like the snow.  Not just because I have allergies and I can’t wait for the first frost.  I’ve just always preferred the cold to the heat.  Fall is nice and all.  The colours, the smell,  but nothing compares the crisp crunch of fresh snow.  The silence of the world as new snow falls to the ground is something I always look forward too.  I even love to shovel it ^_^  It’s a ice mindless task at the end of the day.  I usually lose myself in thought as I do it.  I don’t think I could move to place where it didn’t snow..  I would miss it too much.


First fall and then winter.


What is your favorite season?

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