my arm hurts – post 192

It’s been hurting on and off now for a week or so.  It starts to hurt when I’m on the computer mostly, and it’s always my right arm.  it really sucks because I’m on the computer from about 8am till 5pm and then I goof around on my lap top at home in the evening.  This is the first time I’ve had this pain in all the time I’ve been using computers.  It really sucks T_T  I’m guessing it’s because I’m tensing up when I’m doing stuff at work (my project has a deadline coming up).  But only on my right side for some reason, probably because it’s my drawing arm.

I wonder if I can get workers comp for this ^_^

I find that when I get aches and pains now I think “man… getting old sucks”.  Which is funny I know because I’m only 31.  But with my chest hurting earlier this year and my arm ache now, just past 30, it really feels like old is creeping up.  My wife said that I really shouldn’t complain because if I where in primal man days… I’d probably be in old age by now…  if not dead.

So I guess if I had to pick between the two.  I’ll take my arm ache ^_^

2 Responses to “my arm hurts – post 192”

  • Aidan MacKey Says:

    Hey man, I hear ya on the getting old part. I’m coming up on 31 myself and there are days when getting out of bed hurts. I’m shifting to art myself as my primary income, because construction is doing me in. Hey with any luck, maybe I’ll get on here some day. Point remains… Keep rolling out of the bunk in the morning, and keep up the awesome work you share with us all here. You are a hell of an inspiration to me and everyone else.
    All the best, D

  • Tribesman2004 Says:


    Love the new gallery, and the new art! I have been a long, long time fan, and look forward to reading your posts every day.

    I do have one request, though. Not new art (I figure you get that enough already :P) No, what I want is simple: a way to download your pics. Either as a zip (updated with new art when it comes out), or even some black page with individual pics on it I could right click. The new gallery is pretty slick, and I like how I can use my scroll wheel to go through the pics, but I really dislike how it restricts the size of the art, how I can’t download the pics from it, or how it clips off the bottom of what you write next to it 🙁

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