new gallery – post 191

Okay, so the gallery test is over.  I looked at a bunch and decided to go with the one that I had up as a test a few days ago.  I like it.  It’s simple and nicely done.  It doesn’t have all the options that I looked for.  I still have to upload via and FTP program and I have to input my new info in an xml.  But other gallery options I that did have what I wanted had bad layout or image viewer.  Also, people can’t leave a comment on the pictures, but who am I kidding.  I don’t think my site gets the foot traffic that I’d like it to get.  So it’s more of a collection of all my art and here at the communities is where I’ll get most of my feedback.

Now, I still need to put back up all the captions I had in my old gallery.  But the pics are all there.  I even dropped a few.  Looking back over all my art I’ve seen my style wander this way and that.  Some pics I’m still a fan of and some I’d sooner forget.  But over all it’s neat to see progression and in this new lay out people can see that too.

In a way it’s sad I wasn’t able to maintain the old one but I just wasn’t feeling it any more and I don’t know enough html, php or flash to make my own.  Plus with so many free, well built galleries there, why not try a different route.

So it’s up now with all my most current art up in it too.  Yay for change!  ^_^  Some times it’s not so bad.

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