50% – post 183

Holy crow, I’ve made it half way on my “one post a day” challenge.


I wasn’t really sure if I’d make it this far although in my head I thought “it’s just one post a day… people get paid to do this stuff and keep blogs running all the time”.  But I’ve found, for me anyway, it’s hard to think up something original every day to post about.  I pretty much post things that I find interesting, but also things that I think that others might want to know too.  Indie games, naughty stuff, Japan and my everyday life are some of my favorite topics.  Other then that, I don’t really have a running theme here.

I haven’t been posting much art as of late due to other side projects I’ve taken on.  Side projects that don’t really involve sexy drawings.  But all in due time.  I think in the near future I’ll have to take on some commission work due to some low funds.  I’ll let you know if and when that’s going to happen and it won’t happen until I complete my current list of drawings.

Other then that I’d like to say thanks to everyone that’s been reading these posts and to those that check my art.  I hope they’ve been enjoyable and not just clutter in you control panel or what ever you call that list of things we get when we watch people.

Here’s to a half a year of more posts ^_^

One Response to “50% – post 183”

  • Dr. Quest Says:

    word i’m sure everyone appreshates you keeping up on the web site updates for so long. I’ve watched this place and your art for a very long time. as a fan i find it interisting to know what molds your artistic mind. thx

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