indie game: FIG – post 183

FIG = Floating Island Game

In this game you don’t control the main character.  He just walks forward until he hits a wall (in which case he turns around),  meets his doom or you can intervene help guide him to the goal.  The thing is, you don’t actually control the main character at all.  What you do is click on the world around him and find things to try and collect stars in the levels and then make it safely to the goal.  It’s lots of fun and not to challenging.  Although it does take some good timing to get the right clicks.

It’s got quite a few levels to keep you interested and on top of the regular stars to collect, there are blue stars hidden on every level too.  Get them all and unlock the secret stages.

Good concept, cute art style and lots of fun in my books.  I highly recommend FIG.  You can go and get it here


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