forever – post 181

If you where given the option to live forever would you take it?

Now, I’m not talking grown old continuously.  I mean if your aging just stopped at the spot you are right now.

Before you answer you really must look at the grand scope of it really.  If you live forever then that means you will out live all your best friends, all your family.  You will continue on while you watch your wife/husband and children grow old and pass away.  Leaving them to wonder just who you are.  Your identity would have to change after a time so you aren’t discovered.  You would still have to work I would imagine or how else would you make money or have a place to live or eat.  How lonely would you be knowing that there is one one on the planet like you.  But on the flip side, think of all the things you could learn.  All the places you could go with no worry.  You would be able to see all kinds of human achievements and failures.  Maybe go all the way to see the end of the days of earth or everything.

Would you do it?  It’s a question I ask myself time and again.  Mostly because I have a big fear of death and not knowing what is beyond it.  The idea of forever lasting is very tempting for me but I’m not sure I could do it.  I don’t think I could stand to watch all my family pass with out me.  It would be too sad.

Did you know that there are groups around the world that are looking in to ways extending human life for as long as possible.  Maybe even find a way to live forever.  It sounds crazy but it’s true.

How about you?  Do you want to live forever, and if given the chance… would you take it?

4 Responses to “forever – post 181”

  • outsideboxes Says:

    Hey Mr. Randel,
    (love your art of course.)
    Well, I dont know why someone would want to live forever, I mean in only one body. I tend to think way outside mortality, and have come to the conclusion that we already do live forever. We just “shed our skin” so to speak. I remember specific moments of a past-life. So, to answer your question, enjoy life, make mistakes, you get more chances. 😀

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    I don’t know about this one. It sounds like living forever would be great, but after a few thousand years you would probably develop the worst case of ennui ever. Eventually, you will have done everything many, many times. Normal thrilling things would become boring. Food would lose its taste. Even sex, in its many various forms, would become unbearably mundane. If it were up to me, I would want to live for maybe 5000 to 7500 years. That way, I could experience everything I’ve ever wanted to try but still get to die before it all becomes dull and uninteresting.

  • J Says:

    even 1000 years would be enough. i’ll just take my regular life though, thx

  • fire_wire91387 Says:

    The pessimist in me says that my time in hell (present day life) is bad enough. Why prolong it? To be honest, I’d be surprised if I lived up to retirement.

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