it has begun – post 177

My allergies.

In the spring time I get just a sample… just a taste of what I’m going to get in the fall/late summer.  And, right on schedule, the sneezing has begun.  From now until the first frost I will be a sneezing, sniffing, red eyed treat.

Already my eyes have begun to itch.  If I rub them even the slightest, it’s all down hill.  They puff up and water like mad, and then just to insult me more, the itch factor jumps up about 10 times it was.  I’ll get in to sneezing fits where I’ll just do big, full sneezes one on top of each other.  Sometimes 10 or more.  When I’m done having my sneeze attack I’m left tired, over heated and unbelievably hungry.  It sucks so much.  I usually carry a full box of Kleenex with me in my bag because those little travel sized are a joke to me.

I need to get allergy shots.  I should talk to my doctor about getting them.  I actually don’t know anyone with allergies as bad a I have them.  I actually have to take twice the allergy meds that is suggested (doc said it was okay because I’m so bad) just to feel normal.  Ugh…

…and that’s why I love winter.

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