game duds – post 173

I got’em, you got’em.

Games you wish you never bought.  Games you thought where going to be great or at least half decent and when you finally got it home, tore in to the box and slammed it in to you’re console/pc it wasn’t long before you realized you’ve been duped.

Me?  I bought Crusin USA for the 64.  Yeah, yeah… I enjoyed the arcade machine but man the home version just didn’t live up.  I hate that feeling of of dumb you get after you buy a bad game.  Needless to say I ended up trading it in for Turok.  I was much happier after that.

Let’s see… I remember getting Super Mario Land 2 hand being very disappointed.  To me the game just wasn’t fun and I thought that the bunny ears where just stupid.  I finished it but never played it again.  I think I traded it to a friends little sister for Super Mario Land which, I think, is much better.

What game duds do you have in your collection?

2 Responses to “game duds – post 173”

  • fire_wire91387 Says:

    My friend has both ET and Superman 64 in a glass case. Whenever he needs a laugh, he just looks at the two games and just busts out laughing. Very few games compare to the absolute horrific qualities those two have.

  • SSJSyran Says:

    You wanna play a horrible game… try Fallout Brotherhood of Steel on PS2. Whoever it want that said a fallout game in birds-eye view was a good idea needs to be smacked around the head and shoulders.

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