
I wonder if the Japanese get tired or annoyed that they have to censor all their porn?  I mean, they seem to have quite the variety of it from tame to extreme in both real and drawn versions.  I wonder what the artists think after they’ve done an awesomely naughty pic on to mosaic the good parts?  Do directors of porn get frustrated when they have to keep the parts that people want to see covered up?

I think living in Japan would be awesome.. I think looking at porn in Japan would be annoying. >_<

2 Responses to “Censored”

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    What I find weird is that they do the very minimum at censoring. The genitals are fuzzed out but you pretty much still know whats going on. Its even funnier when theres a narrow, black line covering up the tip of a penis or the vagina. Is that all it takes to censor stuff in Japan?

  • onan Says:

    I’ve heard/read that at this point it’s become such a part of the porn culture that people actually appreciate the censorship in a way because it leaves just the tiniest bit to the imagination, sort of how some people appreciate photos in string bikinis over full-on nudity.

    The porn industry likes it because no one has to know if the stars are using condoms, or if it’s actually not even a real penis on occasion.

    Of course, for everyone one of those people, I’m sure there are 10 others who try to re-import or pirate porn that’s been left de-censored for export. 😉

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