answer period – post 154
Okay, so lets go down the list.
Aelius24 asks:Â Hmm… I was curious… what have some of your characters been up too lately? (Monique, Gwen, Namir, etc.)
Well, I really haven’t done much with any of them really. If any of them have gotten my attention it would be Gwen as I have a folio in the works for her… It’s been in the works for a while actually. But one some day I’ll get it done.
TheGreatZarquon asks:Â I’ve a question, if you don’t mind it- do you have any tattoos?
Nope, can’t say that I do. Never had, or understood, the desire to get one. That’s not to say I look down on people that have them. I’ve seen tattoos that look very cool or sexy. I guess they’re just not for me.
operative274 asks:Â Hmmm… What drew you to the smut side of anthro, sir?
Well, a long time ago, back when I was around 13. I decided that waiting to turn 18 was too long to buy porn so I decided to draw my own. I started with naughty pictures of Betty and Veronica but I then experimented with Tiny Toons, Rescue Rangers and Tail Spin. I found that I could make them look really cute and it was just more appealing then BnV.
Fast forward to college and the discovery of the internet. I wasn’t looking for anthro smut really. I just like cartoon smut in general. But I found that most of what was out there was pretty low quality. Well, at least in my eyes. TDK, Jeremy Bernal and JAB where my faves at the time. I then told myself “I can draw this stuff”. And so I decided to draw what I liked in my younger days only at a much higher quality.
The crazy thing is, dawing and painting smut has really improved my art skills in a pretty short amount of time. Although I’m sure drawing in general would have done that.
The short answer… I draw it cuze I like it. ^_^
Tiquitoc asks:Â Will you update the gallery section in you site on Jabarchives?
Yeah… I gotta get on that soon. Truth be told, I want to update the gallery. I want to get a plug in for wordpress and make it much easier for me to put something up. But until then I need to install Dreamweaver or that GoLive program so I can actually update that gallery. Sigh… someday. Most days by the time I get to sit down, I’m so beat that I just veg out on the couch.
Welp, that looks to be it for now. Thanks for the questions… till next time I’m stumped on a post topic. ^_^