Rough sketch – spread’em

So here’s a treat for those that follow my blog posts and not just the DA and FA posts.  It’s a doodle/rough sketch I’ve been working on.

I was checking though Pixiv the other day (as I often do) and saw lots of “in your face open puss” pictures by other artists.  I then thought… I don’t think I’ve ever done one of those.  So I decided to try it out.  I must say that getting labia, clitoris and vaginal opening done right and cute was quite a challenge.  Lots of reference was used, that’s for sure.

Not sure I’ll finish it.  I probably will… I can’t seem to leave a doodle unfinished.  Which is why I threw in the star power there.  Gotta keep something a surprise for the final unveiling. ^_^

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