Condition: Zero Hour

So I took a wander over to the Condition: Zero Hour fur con on the weekend.  I must admit though that I didn’t actually check out any of the festivities.  I mostly went to visit with artists I haven’t seen in years.  I spent the Saturday evening with  Max Black Rabbit, DC Rabbit and Mabs (along with others who’s names escape me… sorry *^_^*).  It was lots of fun as we caught up with what we’ve been doing, playing games and drawing (actually… the others drew while I talked and played games).  It was wonderful company all around.

Did anyone make to the con insides?  What was the over all feel of the con?  Any one sit in artist alley or dealer room?  I think I’ll try and prep some new stuff next year and sell it… maybe in the dealer room… we’ll see.

Anyway… gNAW… you suck.  If you where there we could have had good throw down with Super Street Fighter 4.  Max and I played lots and it went back and forth pretty evenly… well… I think he won more over all.  But he still has to eat a “D” grade on tech in that one match we had.  Yeah that’s right… I said it.  So next year gNAW… I’ll be waiting but not practicing since I don’t have a 360.

One Response to “Condition: Zero Hour”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Man, sounds like a lot of fun. I really wish I could go to a con and meet some of my favorite artists. Sooner or later I’ll make it to one…

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