
Holy crap!  Today where I live it was 31 C (87 F…I think) with a humidex of the Sun. o_O.   What was the weather like where you live?

7 Responses to “Hot!”

  • Troll Says:

    99 deg f
    Disgustingly hot, working all day = fail.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    The weather here was rainy and very humid. If I had a guess I would put the humidity at around 150%. Other than that, it wasn’t too hot, low 80s I think.

  • newfmike Says:

    I think I saw some molten lead start to smoke in the driveway when I got home from work. I’m in Ottawa, and the temp was 34C, 44C humidex. I thought it was supposed to be cold here!

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    Typically hot St Louis summer weather. Step outside and you feel like you’ve been hit in the face with a wet mop. A mop thats been sitting in a bucket of tepid, grey water that people have been putting cigarettes out in.

  • AnimeFur Says:

    Partly Cloudy
    Feels Like: 102°
    Very hot.

  • gnarfi Says:

    currently i have 38° on the outside and 45° inside
    and its humid like in the rain forrest…

  • GabiS Says:

    31*C? Pfff, I live in Poland and for we’ve 33* – 36*C here for 2 weeks now.

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