Canker sore

I’ve got a canker sore in my mouth and it hurts like crazy! o_O

Does anyone else get these things?  It’s like a little pit in the bottom part of my gums and it hurts to do just about anything face related.  It hurts to eat, talk, shave, it hurts to brush my teeth… hell, it hurts to just sit here and do nothing.  I’ve had it for about 3 days now and they usually last about a week to a week and a half.  Good grief this thing hurts like hell!

I haven’t got one in long over a year, probably two.  I could have gone longer without getting one and I wouldn’t have minded.  I’ve done research on what to do when you get one, how to avoid getting them and how they start in the first place.  From everything I’ve read it would seem that doctors don’t know how or why they start, there is no way to avoid getting them and nothing to do when you have one.  You just have to suffer though it.

God damn this sucks…  I’m going out for sushi with fiends this weekend.  I hope it’s gone by then.

10 Responses to “Canker sore”

  • Mudiwa Says:

    I can’t say I have Joe, I’m quite lucky to have no problems like that.

  • The Riddled Says:

    I feel your pain. Thost things can feel like a CAMEL JUST KICKED YOU IN THE FACE!
    Just brush your teeth often,or use enough Listorine to make you tipsy,to kill the bacteria that make the sore. Also,tell your tounge to stop poking it.

  • jasper Says:

    Aye, i know your problem, i usually just switch to Zendium toothpaste, it tends to cut the time i have to suffer by half. but then again, three to four days of suffering from this cursed condition is still three to four days too much

  • maximus Says:

    Switch to a toothpaste that doesn’t have Sodium Laurel Sulfate. Check around online: there have been many studies linking SLS with sores in people who are susceptible. You may have to get some “all natural” type (and even some of those have it), but it really is worth the switch.

    I used to get them every month, either huge ones or little clusters like shown in the picture. Any cut on the inside of my moth would cause one. I switched toothpastes and they have gone away entirely.

  • fool Says:

    Consider yourself lucky you get them so seldom. Many people deal with recurrent canker sore issues. On thing that may help relieve the pain in the short term is thoroughly washing your mouth out with very warm very salty water. It should provide some respite.

    • joerandel Says:

      I’ve never heard of this SLS thing before. Luckly I don’t get them very often. I can’t remember the last time I had one actually, but it really sucks when I do get one.

  • Soleam Says:

    I put salt on it it numbs the pain but it hurts like a mother fucker if u do and it will go away faster if u do.

  • dvid davidson Says:

    canker sores are a form of herpees
    use a rubber from now on

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