A sexy way to phone home – post 129
Apparently that witch touching game that I keep mentioning goes on sale later this month, and that means it’s time to roll out the promotional swag.
SNK Playmore is releasing sexy/cute collectible phone cards to keep the fans at bay till it hits the shelves. All I have to say is… I’ve bought phone cards before and they sure as hell didn’t look like this.
I actually get really jealous of stuff like this. Well, not this specifically, but all the fun promo game art, swag and stuff that gets released in Japan. We don’t see any of this really. Maybe if you preorder you’ll get something and we do get the odd game art book but really… mostly we get game guides. Before the internets that was pretty much the only way to get extra official art of your favorite game. I really wish I could walk up to a capsule machine and have the option of getting some cool game figures rather then the zillionth series of Whinny the Pooh dressed as an eggplant.
I actually have the Mega Man Zero complete art book, FFIIX art book and two little figures from Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Bonne Jenet and Hotaru Futaba), so I shouldn’t complain I guess.
Do you have any extra official game figures or art in you home?