The next generation of artist dummies.


As any artist knows, nothings beats having a real live model to draw from.  But we don’t all keep nude people around our house for just such an occasion nor do we all have friends that would pose nude for us.  It would be pretty sweet though.  There are substitutes that will work in a pinch.  There are those god awful wooden artist dummies, Stikfas toys and, my favorite, Microman: Material Force figures.  But if you’re feeling fancy and have money to burn in your pocket… you can check out this little number.

It’s called the S.F.T.B-1 and it has 80 joints and over 200 pieces vs. a Material Force figure which has about 30 joints.  It comes out next month and will sell for about $180 bucks.  Not sure if it’ll be available in stores or if it’s an order only thing.




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