Doki Majo Plus
The third game in SNK’s in the Doki Doki Majo series should be out sometime this year. Why, there is already a trailer for the game for those that are interested. I do find it amusing that in the first on the boob touching aspect was like “oh my gosh! you can touch her boobies and they bounce! *blush* ” Now SNK is full on for boob touching and has even gone so far as to have bum touching (watch to 3:30 spot to see what I’m talking about).
Now some argue that the girls in this DS game look way too young and are even going so far as to call it a pedo game (even if the girls in question have some HUGE boobs). What do you think? They’re cartoon girls so it’s okay, or are you on the “this sort of creeps me out” fence?
Me? Personally? I see nothing wrong with it. If it was in English, I’d probably pick these games up. Nintendo obviously see’s nothing wrong with it or they wouldn’t allows these games to make it to the shelves.