dreams – post 83

So I had a dream last night that wasn’t really odd but neat none the less.

My dream was in black in white with a slight sepia tone to it.  I was in a rock quarry, close to new mine shaft that had just opened up.  In front of me was a long line of men in roughly their 40’s but some older and a few younger looking like they came out of the dust bowl era.  All dusty, dirty and raggedy looking talking about working in the mine.  I followed the line to the mine entrance where there was this old shack/booth where the line ended.  I went past the line and in to the mine and took a long, rickety elevator ride to the bottom.  There at the bottom there where old oil lamps on stakes in the ground to light the area for the workers.  The workers used pick axes to chip away at the walls and bucket to fill with what ever they where mining.

I went back to the top and saw a filthy little boy, about 8 – 10 ish, handing in his bucket to a man at a different shack and getting some coins back.  I asked how long he stood in line and he said he was there for a day and a half with no sleep because if you sleep in line then you loose your place.  Then he went back to stand in line.

It was kind of disturbing to see all of this because I gathered that the men would stand in line for a spot to work for as long as they could before exhaustion set in.  Then they turned in what they got for a few coins and then go stand in line again.


My dreams are quite cinematic.  I don’t have dreams like… ” I was driving a bus and then He-Man showed up and we had a party because it was his birthday and then I flew home.”  I rarely have dreams like that.

What about you?

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