Hello world!

It’s the new site… with a new name. Just trying things out here. It’s like a new pair of shoes. Gotta wear them in first.

Things are up and running but there is still some tweaking to be done and some things to add, but the core of it is up and running. Now if anyone see’s anything that isn’t working and such just let me know and I’ll see what I’ll add it to the list.

Now once apon a time I had a drawing jam going on the forums here at the archives. Well, after a loooonnnggg delay I’ve got it done. the topic of the jam was to draw a monster/creature and this is what I came up with. Not to shabby me thinks.

Well that’s it for the moment. I’ll get to fixing the rest after the weekend but I figured I’d throw this up since I had the chance.

What do you all think?

15 Responses to “Hello world!”

  • shaolin4life Says:

    glad to see you are back online 🙂 Keep drawing those spoogy parodies 😉

  • mamefreak Says:

    hey welcome back, love the new site design.


  • Foxyb Says:

    Nice new site, but whats happening to the other stuff :O Is the furry love gonna come back? And I cant find your artwork 🙁 Very nice pic tho. Prehaps this is a new begining for Joe.

  • RuBBa FIshE Says:

    cool. love his very ‘bleh’ expression and weird little feet.

  • Andreas Böttcher Says:

    I really like the new outfit … and this Monster/creature thing 🙂
    I think i’ll try this ‘WordPress’ at my site too.

    And by the way, I hope to see some new ART from you

    … soon!

  • Jonesey of Greenock Says:

    Hey man, this is a pretty picture. I like it. It’s abstract and the colours are cool.

  • yendrius Says:

    I think this pretty cool. will there be a series of picture with this theme?

  • ARC, a great fan fron Brazil Says:

    I am great fan of your work, thats good you came back ! You is GREAT!!

  • blak43 Says:

    nice monster joe and its good to see your back up

  • turrul2000 Says:

    Hello im turrul2000 from the forum, just pasing to say hello again, when is the forum coming back?, i hope thad soon the page is finish, keep the good work and hi to all the forum members

  • Rob Says:

    Just glad to see you back up and running, cant wait for more pics.

    -Canucks Rule

  • Shadrach Says:

    Love the new site

  • Joe'l Says:

    Hi, hiya doin’?
    Nice site…a little plain, but a good start.
    Just making a suggestion, but it would cool if you put your original characters all around the site page. Sorta making like their helping you with the design.
    Just a suggestion.
    Have a Nice Day & keep up the good work, sir.

  • anonimous563 Says:

    where´s all stuff?

  • Spastic Jack Says:

    Hi Joe…
    First off I must say that I’ve ALWAYS been EXTREMELY pleased with your style and your art in general. You’ve brightened up many of my days…

    Just as a little idea toward pics such as these… Have you tried drawing a creature (similar to this, I guess) that looks like it’s partially made of stone? I’m sure anything you touch turns great, and something like that could look truly epic…

    In reverence to your artistic supremacy… 😉

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