Dec 30 2012

So Many Questions

I think Pong needs to get her celebrations sorted out.

So what are your plans for New Years?  I think we’ll go and watch Wreck-It Ralph again and go eat sushi.  I do have to work on New Years Eve though… boo.  I need to plan my holidays better next year. >_<

Dec 28 2012

Christmas Swag

So how was your Christmas this year?  Did you get the loot you’ve had your eye on?  Did people love what you got them?  My Christmas went over very well.  My family loved the things they got and I received some pretty cool things too.  Wanna see them?  Well to start things off, I found these Jones sodas in my stocking.  I had them last year too and loved them.  The flavors are (left to right) gingerbread, sugar-plum, pear tree and candy cane.  They’re so strange, how can you not love them. ^_^

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Dec 27 2012

Vanellope’s Candy Stash

Ta-Da!  Look what I was able to finish before the end of the year!  I’m so glad too because I really liked the idea for this pic.  I just love skirt hikes, and this one would be just too good to pass up.  I mean… she’s already candy themed so the candy canes fit perfectly.  Looks like I need to move on to a messy picture now too, plus I should have post-Christmas post soon too.  Take Care everyone!

Dec 24 2012

Ping and Pong at Christmas

Yay!  I did it!  I was able to finish my candy cane pic for the year.  Woo!  I’ll have to do a Vanellope pic in the new year.  Maybe a messy New Years pic?  I’ll have to think about that one. ^_^

I hope that everyone out there has a great Christmas or what ever it is you’re celebrating during this time of the year.  I think Ping and Pong are already having a great holiday time.

Dec 23 2012

Christmas Prep

Last night I was unable to make my usual post because I was busy gift wrapping.  I hate waiting until the last moment to gift wrap.  It feels rather pointless for me to make the gifts all pretty only for others to destroy it a short time later.  I’ve done it as late as Christmas Eve, and trust me… that sucks.  Do you have all your gifts bought yet and if so, are they all wrapped?  I actually still have some more to do, but I won’t see those people until after the holiday, so there’s no rush but I’d still like to get them done soon.

Today I’ll be doing a lot of holiday baking.  Every year we make a gingerbread house with a recipe that has been passed down through the generations.  It’s my job to make the template for the house so it all fits together (yay high school drafting classes!).  No prefab for us!  I’ll also be making my favorite orange, chocolate cookies and my mint chocolate pinwheel cookies.  Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I have to go to work so this is my only day to bake my cookies.  Too bad you can’t be here to share in them, but trust me… they’re tasty. ^_^

Are all your holiday preparations done yet?

Dec 21 2012

It’s Not Over

Hey, look at that.  The world didn’t end after all.  I guess I’ll have to finish that Tink folio now.  Here’s a quick tease image for you then.  Do you know the other fairy I’ve drawn with her?  She’s from the Tinkerbell CG movies.^_^